I noticed this react warning today:
> Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop `type` of value `web-payment` supplied to `PaymentLogo`, expected one of ["alipay","amex","bancontact","brazil-tef","…
# Pie de Página
## :sparkles: **Branch:** footer
## Introducción
En este paso, vamos a aprender cómo crear un componente que comúnmente se considera poco importante, pero que es fundamental para d…
# Rodapé
## :sparkles: **Branch:** footer
## Introdução
Neste passo, iremos aprender como criar um componente que é comumente visto como pouco relevante, mas que é fundamental para dar uma boa expe…
# Pie de Página
## :sparkles: **Branch:** footer
## Introducción
En este paso, vamos a aprender cómo crear un componente que comúnmente se considera poco importante, pero que es fundamental para d…
Need to add Le Comptoir du Vin to the BAL and MD JSON files.
Le Comptoir du Vin
From the Baltimore Magazine website about Le Comptoir du Vin, "A restaurant’s menu can be minimalist without being…
Need to add Joe Squared to the BAL and MD JSON files.
Joe Squared
Joe Squared serves a long list of unusual pizzas and risottos. From what I've read, they have daily live music along with art sh…
use estas credenciales
Diners Club | 3600 010000 0007 | 12/2024 | 820 | processing_error
y me sale el siguiente error
Fatal error: Uncaught Culqi\Error\UnhandledError: {"object"…
Need to add Copper Penny to the ILM and NC JSON files.
The Copper Penny
The Copper Penny is an energetic saloon with nightly food and drink specials plus lots of microbrews on tap and in bottles…
* Any worker can email other workers on team
* Any worker can email all diners
_Originally created by **Tom Smyth** at **2016-12-06 16:48**, migrated from [redmine-#5565](https://redmine.sassafras.c…
Need to add La Santisima to the PHX and AZ JSON vile.
La Santisima
La Santisima serves inventive burritos, tacos, quesadillas, and are the forte of this counter-serve spot with a salsa bar. From…