@ppwwyyxx 你好,你们的DoReFa-net很nice!
`我在采用你公布的代码跑实验的时候遇到如下问题发现。我采用的tensorflow版本是**0.11**,代码中你建议的版本是>=0.11.下来我去查看了tensorflow API
**r0.11**没有找到 fused_batch_norm
Blade(warning): Auto upgrade failure: /data/home/rtrs//bin/blade: line 78: svn: command not found
Blade(warning): Please svn up /data/bin/typhoon-blade-1.1.1
Blade(warning): You can setenv BLADE_A…
Hi Sebastian!
Two things, one less pressing than the other:
(1) Flyer (in Word) - less pressing since it won't go to printer
See attached for a mock-up and correct content.
We just want to make th…
# 问题
构建后,`static/js` 文件夹中只有一个 `config.js`,其他的 `js` 文件都没有。检查 `config.js` 发现,所有的 `js` 模块都没有被注入。如下:
var require = {
"waitSeconds": 0,
"paths": {
"jquery": "lib/jquery",
Hi. I have used **php-sdk** method ``$mangoPayApi->PayIns->Get(35084312)``, but I always receive http://joxi.ru/Vm6dbWwFDYpY3A without card info. I have found in api docs ``View card details for a Pay…
I import a credential using the Moonshot webp XML file. As part of this, a password is defined, as well as a service rule. The first time I try to access the service, I am prompted to enter the passwo…
**URL**: https://www.irctc.co.in/nget/train-list
**Browser / Version**: Firefox 66.0
**Operating System**: Windows 8.1
**Tested Another Browser**: No
**Problem type**: Site is not usable
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.enzhi.adminpay/com.enzhi.adminpay.activity.homepage.driving.ActDrivingLicense}: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file li…
`parse faield : ALTER TABLE `xxxxx`
ADD INDEX `idx_order_id` (`order_id`) USING BTREE
com.alibaba.druid.sql.parser.ParserException: syntax error, error in :'SING BTREE', expect IDENTIFIER, …
class EnrollAuditAdapter(list: List) : BaseMultiItemQuickAdapter(list…