KWoC has turned out be a really fruitful period. Now, we need to work more on B.E.N.J.I.. Those interested please ping me here. Both KWoC participants and non-participants are welcomed to join!
The list of updates required are
- [ ] Under Note 1, list GSSoC as well. NOTE1 can be rewritten as `BENJI has participated in the following Open Source Programs: Kharagpur Winter of Code 2017, Girl…
### KWOC Project idea
The first heading says "Why, hello there!". I am not sure if you wrote "Why" over there or if it is a typo.
If it is a typo please let me correct it
Hey all
Thanks for your valuable contributions ❤️ .
Hope you had a great **Hacktoberfest**.
And thus to make your contribution public to everyone, you need to add your name in the CONTRIBUTORS…
Hi, I wanted to work on this as part of kwoc, is there a starter code to it if not I would like to start working on it from scratch
People who have currently forked the repo, please join the slack through the link given in the readme.
When i tried to a play a song using "Play rockabye"
wrong link opens, most probably due to google ads **https://www.youtube.comhttps//googleads.g.doubleclick.net/aclk?**sa=l&ai=CmQlG1qFHWuWvNOORlAPg9…
Please provide a short, clear description of the problem
need to add searching algorithms for graphs
Please list the steps to reproduce the above problem…