Hi everyone, my problem is the following. I am solving a nonlinear system of (14) equations without giving knitro the derivatives. Results in Matlab and Julia are inconsistent, could you please help m…
With Julia v1.0 being released, we have a last big attempt at breaking syntax changes. The question is, should we do any?
Two that would be possible are:
1) All mutation goes to the front. `f(du…
When a `MixingVolume` is configured to steady state (i.e. `Annex60.Fluid.Interfaces.StaticTwoPortConservationEquation` is used) energy is in some cases not conserved at zero flow. The problem arises w…
Reading how [`ContinuousDS(prob::ODEProblem)` w/o Jacobian](https://github.com/JuliaDynamics/DynamicalSystemsBase.jl/blob/6a2698981f621b28ba4be0fe4aa4fa08e669ceb5/src/continuous.jl#L110):
### Description of the enhancement or error report
Depending on the order of the variables in the input file, it can either converge or fail.
### Rationale for the enhancement or information for repr…
For temperature independent problem, current linear solver will skip solving the temperature system once we know that the RHS is zero. However since we only know the RHS until we assemble the system a…
Few months ago a discussion started about how to cope with underconstrained equation systems when it comes to "letting the user know it's most probably underconstrained" and "coping with underconstrai…
I discussed with Randy about this today. But does anyone know why we arrange cell data in an array as q(nvar, mi, mj, mk) instead of q(mi, mj, mk, nvar)?
To me, the first approach, which we are usi…
Using data from the HMD, determine location of lighthouses relative to it.
### Results of the SQP solver on the test problem ``ELEC``.
This problem is described in \[1\], problem 2, and consist of given ``np`` electrons, find the equilibrium state distribution (of minima…