Lexc code to repeat:
< [1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|%0] > # ;
Expected result: a simple transducer accepting the numbers 0-9. Actual result:
$ /usr/local/bin…
In [line 48 of `ExpectedRecall.java`](https://github.com/mgormley/pacaya/blob/master/src/main/java/edu/jhu/pacaya/gm/train/ExpectedRecall.java#L48), a subtraction is performed. If the algebra in use i…
`Factor.marginalizeTo` completely ignores the semiring given, since the only implementation of this method in `BasicFactor` uses the semiring in the constructor. Nevertheless, current use of the metho…
> import Data.HugeNum
> let x = fromNumber 0.1
> let y = fromNumber 0.1
> x + y
HugeNum 2.0
Looks like the `addPlusPlus` function is the source of the error, but I haven't figured out…
Is this failure expected?
``` sh
agraback-mobl1:ctf jrhammon$ cat how-did-i-configure
./configure 'CXX=/opt/mpich/dev/clang/default/bin/mpicxx' '--blas=-framework Accelerate'
``` sh
Given this code:
> let f x y = x + x * y
Error found:
in module $PSCI
at line 1, column 5 - line 1, column 21
No type class instance was found for
Prelude.Semiring _0
The instance head c…
@JasonGross @achlipala: I am failing to derive a version of `EdDSA.sign` where types of `Let`-bound variables are changed to an efficient representation.
There seem to be three issues
- The definitio…
I think it would be nice to get some concept of `abs` which works for not only `Int` and `Number`, but also more exotic numeric types, like `Rational`, `Complex`, and even `Quaternion` (when we eventu…
cuspbackend::matrix constructor is slightly different from that of sequential::matrix (and frontend::matrix, for that matter) in terms of how zeroes are treated. need to fix this.
however, if the onl…
./quickcheck.lhs:100:3: Warning: Use camelCase
semiring'laws = ...
Why not:
semiringlaws = ...
I was expecting more like
Why not:
semiringLaws = ...
(Reported by Brian Lewis…