I'm working with angular project on my OSX, and i needed to create a new angular project with help of yeoman. But it always fails to install app. I have tried to completley uninstall node and componen…
ghost updated
9 years ago
I want to use [gulp.spritesmith](https://github.com/twolfson/gulp.spritesmith) with other `gulp-*` plugins.
The name is unfortunate, so the default removal of `gulp-` will not work.
How about turnin…
I would like this awesome code to do a little more for me:
lets say I have N number of folders, and each has images. I would like each folder to create it's own sprite image, but with it's own setting…
Comme on peut le voir sur ce site, nos dépendances front sont pas tout à fait à jour. C'est pas hyper-bloquant, mais je sais que ça peut poser problème à l…
I get the following errors below when running `npm install`. I have Win7 64-bit but using node 32-bit installation.
npm WARN package.json mapbox-gl@0.2.1 No repository field.
npm WARN package.jso…
Couldn't find anything about cssOptions. What can I throw in there?
I'm looking for something to change the content of the index file like specific class names or prefixes.
I tried installing packages. On Windows 7 it's working perfectly, but on Windows 8 i got:
0 info it worked if it ends with ok
1 verbose cli [ 'C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\\\node.exe',
1 verbose cl…
I use gulp.spritesmith to concatenate my images to single file, and then compress it by gulp-imagemin. Here is my code:
``` javascript
var sprites = gulp.src('./src/**/*.png')
Here is my very simple plugin:
var brocMergeTrees = require('broccoli-merge-trees');
var broccoliSprite = require('broccoli-sprite');
module.exports.name = 'ember-sprite';
bguiz updated
10 years ago
I'm currently using ^0.6.1 in my grunt configuration but everytime I run imagemin I get this error randomly. It works for the most part as I can see some images being optimized but I have to keep runn…