Migrated from [rt.perl.org#122224](https://rt-archive.perl.org/perl5/Ticket/Display.html?id=122224) (status was 'resolved')
Searchable as RT122224$
p5pRT updated
10 years ago
is it possible to have a remore dzi instead of a local dzi and file directory.
currently we are using seadragon and it has a proxy and our tiles are being served by a different host.
this is the se…
Migrated from [rt.perl.org#120998](https://rt-archive.perl.org/perl5/Ticket/Display.html?id=120998) (status was 'resolved')
Searchable as RT120998$
p5pRT updated
10 years ago
Hi, I get a force close when I stop tracking with Bluetooth KISS TNC
Version 1.2.0 2012-02-26
Android 2.2.2 on Samsung Galaxy 5.0 wifi
Migrated from [rt.perl.org#3066](https://rt-archive.perl.org/perl5/Ticket/Display.html?id=3066) (status was 'resolved')
Searchable as RT3066$
p5pRT updated
11 years ago
Deepzoom server is nice, but if anybody would like to use it in some production enviroment - the only solution is static version. Some kind of mod_wsgi version would be awesome.
Migrated from [rt.perl.org#119181](https://rt-archive.perl.org/perl5/Ticket/Display.html?id=119181) (status was 'rejected')
Searchable as RT119181$
p5pRT updated
11 years ago
Rails Params Parsing is magic. You never know what it can lead to. Nested hash in params[:id], Array full of nils etc.
1. Array stuffed with nils.
`User.find_by_token(params[:token])` can find a use…
Just using this with a basic script:
/usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:799:in `connect': SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed (OpenSSL::SS…
Migrated from [rt.perl.org#114820](https://rt-archive.perl.org/perl5/Ticket/Display.html?id=114820) (status was 'resolved')
Searchable as RT114820$
p5pRT updated
11 years ago