In order to create a Ideal Test Automation Framework
As a user
I would like to have feature.... such as...
### Project Title
AFNI Automated testing framework
### Contributors
|Name| Position | Institute|
| Dylan Nielson| Neuroimaging Data Scientist | NIMH-DSST |
After updating to `ember-cli: 3.5.0`
and migrating from `ember-cli-qunit` to `ember-qunit` [automatic framework](https://github.com/ember-template-lint/ember-cli-template-lint/blob/998000f5f8a43ed6a5…
implement some level of testing. I think the biggest obstacle here is collecting representative data sets.
Possible avenues to collect data:
- Academic Sources
- Existing software example data …
As a follow-up on #4. Can we use the `hypothesis` framework in testing?
What I'm going for is much more diverse data.
All help appreciated!
research and decide upon react test framework, write first test
As a developer, I would like the IOC Testing framework to be able to boot IOCs in parallel for concurrent testing.
This would vastly speed up testing and Jenkins builds. It would allow us to test fo…
Milestone 1: implement PSNR as a sample
- [ ] Database: data collection, fetch and processing
- [ ] I/O API, PSNR computational formula
- [ ] Web UI: trend chart
Hi, looking at your tests I saw that prints are OK, but it is hard to generalize and automatize. Using GoogleTest might help a lot.
For instance, lets look at ``acme_test_04.cc``:
Want to build an extensive testing framework based on (leaning towards RSpec).
Try to put a halt on any other advancements unless they are strictly TDD-style.
- determine an organization / layout for…