I see you have added Tensorflow Op in your recent master.
Does this mean we can use SentencePiece Op in tensorflow graph?
I wish to build `libtensorflow_inference.so` file with SentencePieceOp int…
I am getting a segmentation fault like in #345.
Debian 10 (Buster)
Python 3.6/3.7
how can we use sentence encoder as siamese architecture to pass two sentences as input and fine tune encoder aswell?
### TensorFlow.js version
#### Browser version
Version 77.0.3865.90 (Official Build) (64-bit)
#### Describe the problem or feature request
Can't `embed()` sentences in webworkers (despite t…
I'm getting InvalidArgumentError when using a trainable KerasLayer from USE-large-v5, or USE-v4. Works fine with other modules or if the layer is not trainable. Using TF 2.0, hub 0.7.0 in Colab (but a…
is not possible to use in Google Colab due to tf-sentencepiece incompability.
Tried with TF 1.14.0 and TF 2.0.0.
Hi there
are the Universal Sentence Encoder Models trainable with Tensorflow 2 beta?
I saw that some hub models got an extra update for tf2 but the USE did not.
Thanks in advance!
sveah updated
5 years ago
I was using the universal sentence encoder transformer module for some developments and had no issue before. But when I try to reuse the module today, I got an error, wondering if anyone had similar e…
It would be useful to export modules in a format that can be consumed by TensorFlow Serving. Servables would increase code reuse and further enable distributed workloads.
**Example Usage (note pass…