## Description
It looks like a bit of time is needed to get a few things up to date if possible, this error relies on that which needs this +2 now that is +2 as well, a few things, the full errors…
Currently this plugin does not watch file changes on `vite build --watch`, the `watch` related code are `serve`-only. It would be better to support watching file changes with watched build.
## Premier essai
Cette erreur sur la main window en dev (mais pas sur /side_window) après avoir activé le mode strict :
### Vite Plugin Version
### Laravel Version
### Node Version
### NPM Version
### Operating System
### OS Version
11 (23H2)
### …
### Describe the bug
I install dependencies with vite ^5.3.1 (latest minor updates available) and fail with error
$ vite
### Version:
- `@inertiajs/react` version: 1.0.0
### Describe the problem:
this error is produced when using private channel with pusher.
public channel works fine without any error.
const test = [
{ test: 123, add: 123 },
{ test: 123, add: 123 },
{ test: 123, add: 123 },
{ test: 123, add: 123 },
test.forEach((module, index) => {
### 📖 오늘 학습 내용
- [X] ES 모듈 개념 정리
- [X] Vite 번들링 도구 학습 및 환경 설치
- [X] 리액트 구조 구동 원리 이해
- [X] .DS_Store를 .gitignore에 추가하여 관리
**1️⃣ ES 모듈 이해_ECMAScript Module**
>ES 모듈은 자바스크립트의 공식 모듈 시스템으로 자바스…
12:06:09 AM [vite] Internal server error: Failed to resolve import "tauri-plugin-macos-haptics-api" from "src/routes/index.tsx?pick=default&pick=$css". Does the file exist?
Plugin: vite:import…
When upgrading a special-ember-addon from a v1 addon to v2 addon upgrade (and both existing in the same project) -- there is an issue, an error: "test waiters can't be found"
if both loaded at the …