This is a really great data package... but do you have any plan to update dataset automatically?
Ogni giorno la protezione civile comunica a ogni comune i dati di propria pertinenza, compresi i nominativi delle persone infette da "tenere in quarantena" e di conseguenza da assistere.
Il dato prov…
Would it be possible to release a cumulative time-series historical data for the following CSV:
The crew at https://coronadatascraper.com/#features.json have got some very impressive county-level data that we've been tracking for a while. I think it may be time to bring into our API and display …
(updated) We are currently pulling the data from Our World in Data: https://github.com/covid19-data/covid19-data/tree/master/data_sources/our_world_in_data which is a cleaned version of WHO's daily re…
After requesting **coronavirus-cases_latest.json** feed we're seeing:
FetchError: invalid json response body at https://c19downloads.azureedge.net/downloads/json/coronavirus-cases_latest.json …
## Location name
Australia all states
## Source URL
Vu que la Belgique ne nous donne rien d'intéressant comme données, je vous propose d'attaquer la page de wikipedia avec des outils de webscrapping
un peu de doc sur le sujet
Il faut encore…
I am thinking that it would be a good idea to try to search for specific drugs shown to work on the computational model of the ACE2 on the relevant literature as an aggregation to the articles dataset…
Edição número 334.
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