Hi @Bogdanp,
I just discovered django_dramatiq and it seems very beautiful and simple
I wanna to extend this model to add user info to the task, is it possible?
For batch processing we have been using custom task management based on cron. It had been identified to have issues (ORCIDHUB-242). Besides that there is growing need for asynchronous request handlin…
when worker crashed, task is not acked, how about trying to re dispatch the jobs when long time not acked ?
The pipeline middleware is not included in the reference docs, so the only way to learn about `pipe_ignore` and `pipe_target` is in the [cookbook](https://dramatiq.io/cookbook.html#pipelines).
When I test example :
def count_words(url):
response = requests.get(url)
count = len(response.text.split(" "))
print(f"There are {count} words at {url!r}.")
myyou updated
6 years ago
high level goal:
I will run a long running process and the browser client will incrementally send messages and the websocket consumer in the back will process by sending a message to workers consum…
Use case: I have an actor that sometimes takes longer than 10 minutes to run. I can predict this. Let's say I want to double the default time_limit. If I use the decorator `@actor(time_limit=1_200_000…
does dramatiq has anything like celery about task routing.
I didn't find any api to send task with queue_name, but I can build message myself to send task to specific queue.
During testing, what are the practical differences between the `StubBroker` and the `RedisBroker`+redislite?