I get this error when attempting this command
$ sudo madge --exclude ./node_modules --image graph.png .
There is a divergence between _package.json_ and _npm-shrinkwrap.json_ and installing _madge_ brings a lot of extraneous packages.
It's problematic and it force to use `npm prune` before generating _s…
TL;DR -- rollup can't find globally installed rollup-watch (it finds locally installed ones though)
rollup (global) doesn't use the globally installed rollup-watch (says it doesn't exists and p…
Is there any way to get modules' export in a webpack plugin?
Is there a way, or would you consider adding an option to ignore `require`d dependencies:
``` js
define(['a'], function (a) {
require(['b'], function (b) {});
I'm only interested in `a`. O…
Hello; I'm trying to export a graph of my CoffeeScript/Webpack application to PNG on Windows. I installed GraphWiz from http://www.graphviz.org/Download_windows.php. When I run "madge --image dep.pn…
After execution command "madge" I've received abdolute path of modules. Please see attached screenshot
Madge seems to think my ES6 modules have zero dependencies:
infamous+infamous git:master ❯ madge --summary src
motor-html/node-style: 0
Calendar: 0
DoubleSidedPlane: 0
Grid: 0
Molecule: 0
Plane: …
``` js
// app.js
define(['a'], function (a) {
``` js
// a.js
define(['b'], function (b) {
``` js
// b.js
define([], function () {
Seems madge doesn't understand "re-export" statements:
export const helloStr = 'Hello World !'
export default () => console.log(helloStr)
export helloWorld from './a'