Issues from feedback:
- In the “Map Metadata Fields” list on the Upload webpage, the example units for the map dimensions are written as “centimetres.” Shouldn’t it be the American spelling, consideri…
Hi, `t --help` includes the following task:
t trends_locations # Returns the locations for which Twitter has trending topic information.
but running `t trends_locations` re…
I try to open https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto in tilemill. I have installed the local copies of the .shp files which are referenced and set up the PostGis database used.
When I op…
amenk updated
11 years ago
**Reporter: woodbri@swoodbridge.com**
**Date: 2002/09/25 - 19:10**
**Trac URL:** http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/ticket/204
I'm on 3.6.2, and what I had set up was
SHAPEPATH = /raid1/nima/vmap0
When rendering I get the error
RuntimeError: :
ERROR: operator does not exist: text > integer
LINE 8: case when population > 0 then population else -1 end...
**Reporter: woodbri@swoodbridge.com**
**Date: 2002/09/25 - 19:10**
I'm on 3.6.2, and what I had set up was
SHAPEPATH = /raid1/nima/vmap0
TILEINDEX = /raid1/nima/vmap0/placenames/placenames-tile
**Reporter: b.veldkamp@zonnet.nl**
**Date: 2004/08/10 - 11:04**
**Trac URL:** http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/ticket/807
Sometimes MS doesn't create a map image, (no file is created in the tmp
tile2.dbsgeo.com:80 - - [01/Mar/2010:23:28:50 +0000] "GET /?VERSION=&REQUEST=GetMap&SRS=EPSG:4326&BBOX=-180,-90,180,90&WIDTH=644&HEIGHT=322&LAYERS=placenames-large,placenames-medium,…
Currently, label_position_tolerance is only supported in line placements. I'm displaying placenames (TextSymbolizer), and would like to shift them from their original location, if another element is a…
I have a small application [1,2] which uses Mapnik with OSM data, convertes via osm2pgsql, off a PostgreSQL database. I'm basically using the osm.xml file [3] from OpenStreetMaps SVN server (with…