To motivate the development of additional View-Systems the HTML-Views should get extracted to a new project.
To keep the integration simple I will provide an other project where I will bundle good p…
Add label for `#media-browser_0__filter-images`
Eureka uses FontAwesome as a pain free way of adding icons to the UI, and it even uses some clever a11y tricks to keep things readable to screen readers but regardless of that, icon fonts have some in…
An initial project setup should support the following parts:
- a node module for the ui (dom).
- a node module for the backend (node).
Development should allow for short turnarounds for both ru…
Hi Michael,
at javaland we have already discussed about how we could add FXML support to ReduxFX. I've worked on a prototype that is inspired by the angular implementation of Redux.
I've tried to…
TL;DR This:
mobx.extendObservable(store.widget, {
"widgetId1": { title: "test" },
"widgetId2": { title: "test" },
// ...
"widgetId100": { title: "test" }
Unhandled exception while running the tests: Error: Ran into a `Debug.crash` in module `Html.Inert`
This was caused by the `case` expression between lines 18 and 23.
One of the branches ended…
I am wondering if i can pass somewhere the exact representation of the DOM in JavaScript objects, and convert that to the realDOM that **substance** is using.
Generally React.DOM.div() si…
I believe this worked in earlier versions of reflex.
main = mainWidget $
rec t
I'm not sure if this is a halogen or halogen-vdom issue, so I'm posting it here. I've noticed that when I'm toggling the presence of a `class` attribute of a `div` that the classes that are present in…