I'm trying to use the excellent [livenode](https://github.com/mishoo/livenode/) with a project which uses ES6 features introduced in node v11, but unfortunately UglifyJS's parser chokes when it encoun…
I have traced down a couple ios issues caused by webpack when running with multiple plugins:
1. __extends will run on NSObject code even though, I believe you hijack it normally inside the
I've been working on a branch to transform `swagger-js-codegen` from `request` to `superagent` because `superagent` is able to run on both client and server sides.
This would make it possible to bundl…
Here's the attached log
➜ react-redux-starter git:(master) npm start
> react-redux-starter@1.0.0 start /Users/Peter/code/community/react-redux-starter
> npm run build:development && npm run sta…
Need to "script" the following:
1. Set FAKE_SERVER & DIAGNOSTICS to false in wepback.config.js
2. Build client
Cd d:\glimpse\Glimpse.client.Prototype
Gulp build-prod
Copy dist\main.js dist\ma…
I get this error when I'm packaging the bundle for production.
throw new Error('No el…
Babel != Webpack && Wepback != Babel
Should have checked with open babel 6 tickets about this, as there is already a es2015-native-modules registered on npm and on github 7 days earlier too... lol
I may have missed it in the readme, but is there a way to set the resolve directory for elm-webpack-loader to a custom directory?
It looks like it requires `elm-stuff` to be at the same directory lev…
The issue was introduced with commit d7a8a6415b178b080da4b281cb1ab9351bbeca5f, it occurs here:
1. OS? Windows 7, 8 or 10. Linux (which distribution). Mac OSX (Yosemite? El Capitan?)
Windows 10
2. Versions. Please run `ng --version`. If there's nothing outputted, please run
in a Terminal:…