should say: "exclusive fashion jewelry for a limited time only". not exclusive collections made only...
make font size of "sign in" and "shopping cart pic" same size as "how it works" button currently being shown.
modal should extend from LIMITED QUANTITIES. not STYLE.
instead of members only it should read:
Reserved for members only
please, apply previous transparency notes to modal as mentioned in previous…
fonts are not consistent. please be meticulous and address.
@timmcelwee will send the list of assets that will be used in the site along with their resolutions and size. the @SOFIAPGM can plan the site according to these assets, even if they are not the exact …
This will be the responsibility of Jorge's team to set up the right credentials, write a word doc (with screnshots) explaining what to do for Tim to have as future documentation.
fix global layer spacing.
logo should be located to the fare right of the page (reference alpha)."Sign in" and s.cart" to the far right and on a plane slightly ABOVE "how it works" logo copy etc.
make the "become a member" call to action letters RED. thx
you guys should have both a color and black and white option. Please replace the black and white with a color image. I think this will be more dynamic.