The `estimate_population.R` file is returning reasonable results for all of the variables, except that the transportation variable is returning all zeros. We need to investigate why that is happening.…
We need a list of census variables to chose from.
In latest 21v2 some records along creeks are missing spatial data. Did clipped spatial boundaries get loaded? If this is an easy fix let's tackle it, otherwise it can wait until 21v3.
I am using the excellent "erase_water" function (thank you for developing!) on a sf object called "MDC_tracts," which is comprised of census tract-level polygons of Miami-Dade County downloaded from t…
Dear Dr. Edzer,
Maybe it is a good idea to enable `sf::st_as_sf` to convert a neighbors list object with class `nb` (output of `spdep::poly2nb`) to simple features. Here I am providing two functio…
I am attempting to create a line chart to show data over time. I have a test data set where the year is double:
First, thank you so much for the package! I have been working intermittently on a project and have started again over the holidays. I was able to successfully use the predict_race function in July of …
The code below works, but it breaks if you put the year 2014 in the loop. We get "Error in CPL_get_z_range(obj, 3) : z-error: expecting 3 columns" - is this something wrong with the geometry pr…
It will run on the On-Prem Dev server and send data to both the on-prem database and our RDS.
The state of the code is currently in https://github.com/CityofToronto/bdit_data-sources/tree/gcc_view/…
Given EPA's position of 2010 vs 2020 tracts, there is a concern that agencies who are using 2020 tracts who might join the 2010 list of tracts against their 2020 tracts and get nonsensical results. Th…