# Init
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns; sns.set()
# Load data
from sklearn.datasets import load_diabetes
# Clustering
from scipy.clus…
1) we define an internal slot that indicated what was the clustering with which the dendrograms were made, so that you could ‘safely’ keep around a dendrogram that didn’t match the primaryCluster. The…
I'm wondering if it is possible to get a tree-like structure of the resulting clustering. What I'm ultimately trying to do is to get a dendogram overlaid on top of a heat map (e.g. seaborn.clustermap)…
First, thank you for this awesome implementation of HDBSCAN. It is certainly one of the best and most generic clustering algorithm and having this high performance implementation is cool with Sci…
When a matrix is supplied to `scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage(Distance_matrix, method="centroid")`, it will mostly fail without any error message, but terminate the Python process with a cryptic exit …
If we change the primaryClusterIndex, should it delete the dendrograms? What about other steps that change the primaryCluster? Any new clustering that creates new primaryIndex would need to be consist…
I am using dendextend to cut my hierarchical clustering dendrograms and want to split the heatmap accordingly. Can I use Heatmap to do this? I know I can do this if I subset the matrix and plot the he…
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we gotta put it back. I'm leaving this as a reminder
Purpose of code changes on this branch:
The current HAC implementation provides only the final clustering output, but
doesn't provide access into the full dendrogram that may have been built. T…