I have been reading the source code of etfnet-culane-pytorch for two days, but I cannot find the code of self-attention distillation in which module, could you please tell me?
For Curve category, the F1 measure of ERFNet should be 66.3 instead of 71.6
I ran the evaluation code on your trained model, and obtained exact…
你好,请教下你自己训练的模型在CULane上最后损失大概在多少;我把初始学习率调整到5e-4 ,一个epoch之后基本已经不下降了,大概在0.14,我之前自己用tensorflow训练过TuSimple的训练集,用分割的交叉熵损失,最后也在0.05~0.1;但我不确定在CULane上损失可以降到多少?这两个训练集我用的都是自己搭的网络。
Hi XingangPan,
I am wondering in these .line.txt why the coordinates, x is a number contain decimal point but y is integer? Does this design have special meaning?
when training the erfnet on CuLane, I always encounter the tensor dimension mismatch problem. I add the ceil_mode = True in the maxpool layer and the problem becomes as follows:
RuntimeError: inva…
running `sh ./test_erfnet.sh` leaves me with mentioned er…
Sorry to ask you that how to set up CULane datasets for training ?
I have already read all of issues concerning with CULane, but didn't find the suggestions how to set up CULane datasets. Hope you…
@cardwing @yujincheng08 ,On CULane for SCNN,我想使用2个gpu进行训练,因此我按照你给出的方法,如下所示:
Multi-GPU training has been supported. Just change BATCH_SIZE and GPU_NUM in global_config.py, and then use CUDA_VISIBLE_DE…