So, if you're gonna go and do all this work to help out, you're going to become an official collaborator too, so I can assign you issues, haha. =)
What do you think of leveraging Phpcbf in the Gulp W…
I have installed PHPCS on my local Mac and on a webserver running Centos 6, both via Composer and both using same version of PHPCS. I have then added an aditional Standard to both, again both from sam…
Can we install PHPUnit locally through composer and use the composer installed versions of phpunit and phpcs for our build script?
The new build.xml section would look something like this
Hi, with flycheck 0.22, the php-phpcs checker doesn't run on buffer.
First I run flycheck-select-checker and choose php-phpcs. When I run flycheck-next-error, I get 'No more Flycheck errors.'
I hav…
In PSR2, multiple catches block must be like this:
``` php
Instead of a result it prints dots.
It's very perfect when I installed syntastic first,but now, something is wrong.
I don't know t…
For functions indented one tab: in a docblock comment, PHPCS (with WordPress-VIP) is flagging tab-space-star as incorrectly indented. It wants tab-tab-star, which @aliso tells me is incorrect.
Similar to #460, code like
foreach (
'foo' => 'bar',
'foobaz' => 'bazzy',
] as $key => $value
) {
is ok for PSR2,
and I tend to believe that even…
I'm getting this error when trying to execute the context menu option "Sniff this file" on a php file. This occurrs even when I run it as sysadmin user. The variables “phpcs_php_path” and “phpcs_execu…