I'm chatting with karolherbst and anagromataf. Anagromataf can hear me, I can't hear either of them and karolherbst is having ALSA errors.
My log:
"Core: Leaving group call 0"
"Core: Joining…
commit: 6c1d2bc9ac2b0b2c94fd25500988a0478f0be076
``` gdb
#0 0x00007ffff7bc4de4 in QObject::thread (this=this@entry=0xabe470) at kernel/qobject.cpp:1412
#1 0x00007ffff7bcfa88 in QObject…
When playing H264 video with High@L4.0 profile, cmplayer shows sporadic glitches on screen (green squares). Mpv plays these video fine (with va-api acceleration).
Here is partial mediainfo:
zeule updated
9 years ago
Skype notification icon is missing / not matching.
See attachment.
![screenshot from 2014-03-15 22 56 29](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/6779258/2429607/0132ce8e-ac8d-11e3-9be5-948f39873074.png)
This is a design issue. I notice that 1.9 has a tray icon now. However, it doesn't work as expected:
1) It allows the user to 'Hide' and 'Exit' Electrum. But after being hidden, the icon still offers…
Clicking the close button on Steam's main window minimizes the window.
I'm assuming this is because you guys haven't gotten around to implementing a system tray, or deciding on how to handle this exa…
The message indicator likes the one in GNOME 2.x or in Unity:
I think this is great feature th…
Thunderbird 14
FireTray 0.4.2
Ubuntu 12.04 running KDE
I have FireTray icon in system tray. however, I have two panels, one on top, one on the bottom of screen. i wanted to show unread message counte…