A cài project của e thì bị ntn https://www.dropbox.com/s/n60gmw5owoq93v0/Screen%20Shot%202020-08-25%20at%2000.43.57.png?dl=0
=> Giải thích nguyên nhân.
=> Fix cho a khi mới cài thì ntn https://cdn2…
When I ‘make all’ the xilinx_zcu104_base project under Xilinx_Official_Platforms, the following error occurs, what is the solution? Thanks
The problem is 'BOOT_FILES_PATH' not set, please set this fl…
Converting jpegs to webp changes its color to different. Example here: https://hdrmaps.com/nettle-weed-atlas-1/
As this is a live site I have chanegd background to one matching new image #1f1f1f.
it's located here: docs.boid.com\website\node_modules\docusaurus\lib\static\css\main.css
change should be done here(background color and some sizes):
'.nav-footer {
background: #027be3;
### Version
### Browser and OS info
Chrome 83.0.4103.106 (Official Build) (64-bit) / OSX 10.14.6 (18G5033)
### Steps to reproduce
### What is expected?
Vue panel shows in de…
I wonder what is the unit of vina's map size. Typically the CNN scoring functions only accept box as 20*20*20 A to score, but when I use this size in vina, some ligands seem to be out of it.(center se…
See: https://www.dropbox.com/s/iijeh0as8fhnbkj/Screenshot%202020-07-10%2012.05.31-bug%20start.png?dl=0
-Machine was running ok yesterday
-Stopped machine in the evening in GUI
-Then restarted tod…
Hello @ikwzm,
I have been following your instructions for installing XRT on Debian 10 (ARM64) as described in the repository. Previously, I posted an issue, and thanks to the feedback, I now have a…
Cosa: Chiusura Notturna dei punti di assistenza territoriale di Cori, Cisterna, Priverno,
Sabaudia, Gaeta e Minturno Ordinanza ASL Latina
Descrizione: "I punti di assistenza territoriale di Cori, C…
#### Context
This ticket's part of a debugging effort and connected to past issues including #69 #70 #71 and #72.
While developing kernels it's common to test (also in `hw` target) incremental v…