> [!NOTE]
> - **Review**: [Figma file](https://www.figma.com/design/QIMsAdHJjctTKDM1I34uXV/Medallions---Baseline-Prototype?node-id=3405-41782&t=d4kZLivfKYypTuNO-4)
> - **CAIA Revi…
Does this issue occur when all extensions are disabled?: Yes/No
- VS Code Version: 1.89.0
- OS Version: Windows 10
Steps to Reproduce:
I'm using NVDA as screen reader, b…
Open questions:
- Do we have a `release` branch with the build artifacts?
- When/where do we deploy to npm registry? Locally? From CI?
@addyosmani you've been managing the `a11y` node module I …
Per Nira's question:
> Do you know if there are any standards on accessibility + chatbot interfaces (e.g. BotCopy, FB messenger etc.)? For example, I notice screen-readers don't pick up a chatbot w…
Github Pages for https://github.com/tunnckoCore/blankr/issues/25
All of the greatest bands of the 20th century. Sorted by year and brief info for each of them.
- Using this style http://lab.hakim.se/…
The zip file contains .txt files with the exact command for reproducing the error and corresponding stack dump.
Follow up from #52849
eDAD tracking ticket for this issue is [Accessibility 228269](https://dev.azure.com/CSS-IRT/CSS%20IRT/_workitems/edit/228269) and possibly updated to [Accessibility 228601](https://dev.azure.com/CSS-…
While working on getting the WCAG 2.0 A standard, I noticed that many of the issues that need to be address to get AA compliance are related to font sizes and color contrast.
Publish the `usa-side-navigation` accessibility test checklist items found in the [Critical Checklist spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fAJaObQHv7aIaeUpH4fTLmauhmugMtNCrbpZe4BJcPY/e…
6.5.1 Introduction
Depending on the outcome of https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/4799, i think it may be better to use 'c…