I launch the decoder according to the description:
1. sudo docker run --rm -itd --ipc=host --name w2l wav2letter/wav2letter:cpu-latest
2. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_20…
I'm trying to transcribe an audio clip which is about 2min long with my Seq2Seq model. The transcription is almost perfect but it stops after a few seconds. How can I decode the entire clip?
I've t…
I'm looking for making the prediction on a single wav file without the need of loading pre-trained AM and LM models every single time. These models should only be loaded once at the beginning.
Is there any way to use trained acoustic model with python? I didn't find anything in docs and there is only `WordLMDecode` in `decoder` package. So I suppose most of decoding stuff like using am to p…
### Issue description
*Making an api call to the Search endpoint using a `matchType` of "Contains" for `query` "M200" returns wrong results*
> **ESTIMATE** 20
### Steps to reproduce the issue
Thank you for the model and for open sourcing the code. I am looking forward to using the same.
I am trying to reproduce the results of models in recipes/models/sota/2019/librispeech but I …
I'm using [wav2letter](https://github.com/facebookresearch/wav2letter) that based on Flashlight.
I'm trying to embed wav2letter decoder (`fl::Sequential`) in gRPC service and use it simultaneously…
Is there any documentation of how emission matrices are stored? I'm interested in trying out the wav2letter decoder in the context of a broader pipeline, and would like to write a utility to convert …
I use a wav file to simulated on-line decoding, as following:
while (stream)
some_emission = net->foward(someData)