When I try to program an image to my device using
> ./uartfwburn.linux -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -f flash_ntz.nn.bin -b 115200 -U
I get errors like ping failure, as uartfwburn.linux is unable to confirm t…
when trying a super simple master/slave setup (AMB82-mini ESP32) i discovered tha _endTransmission_ resets the i2c device here:
when compiling a simple Blink sketch for RTL8720DN, I have the following error
fork/exec /home/user/.arduino15/packages/realtek/tools/ameba_d_tools/1.1.2/postbuild_img2_arduino_linux…
I manage to use Android smartphone to share hot spot for WiFi connection.
I found this board has a connector for external WiFi antenna, maybe this will make it working.
Would you be able to add WEBRTC streaming, the problem with RTSP is its very difficult to send over the internet when using mobile connections.
I am streaming video in real time using Wi-Fi UDP.
There is a phenomenon in which the video stops while the log below continues to be displayed.
Please let me know if I can fix the udp buffer or w…
能於 Arduino 程式裡可以移除某一已不需要偵測的人臉
而非 RESET 清除所有的人臉 再將需要的臉加入REG
以節省 Flash memory 能更多紀錄人臉
還有 能於某一 AMB82 MINI 偵測到的人臉 能夠有方法將 特徵值 Copy 到另一 AMB82 MINI
公司內會有需要多個 AMB82 MINI 但如果每個都重新記錄會花很多時間
Currently encountering the problem of making https request to a server that only provides IPv6 connection.
Hope you can help improve related functions.
thank you
The pinout on the BW16 RTL8720DN is mixed up.
The Fritzing and SVG images show the wrong pin.
LED B is connected to pin 11 not 1.
As seen here in the table below the image
Board AMB25/AMB26 (RTL8720DF) and u-blox NORA-W30 series (RTL8720DF) use the same #defined(BOARD_RTL8720DF). It will make Compatibility issue. please help to solve it.