With the arrival of PHP 8.1, async code in PHP land doesn't have to use Promise or fall into the callback hell that we got trapped into before.
If cycle would provide an integration with a non-bloc…
More: https://github.com/amphp/amp/issues/300
Using `Process`, it looks like the SSH sessions are not properly closed.
This is easy to reproduce, you just have to send more than 10 commands:
### Support Request
We are experiencing an issue where `craft blitz/cache/generate` exits after caching 494 of 3411 total possible pages. We are using the `LocalGenerator` because the environment is …
Thanks to fibers, the `amphp/http-client v5` has a "sync" interface: it gets rid of promises & generators. It is now possible to implement the [PSR-18: HTTP Client](https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-18/…
Hi, I couldn't find information anywhere whether the 1.x branch is still maintained. If it isn't, my apologies for bothering you.
I found that trying to start a non-existent executable using amphp/…
When codeing with amphp project, vscode psalm extension with psalm.phar as language server output didn't show scan vendor/amphp/amp/lib/functions.php, and always report `Function Amp\call does not exi…
I'm pretty sure https://github.com/amphp/http-tunnel/tree/2.x allows for this, but not sure how to implement this in fink.
I added the package with composer, and added the
use Amp\Http\Tunne…
the implementation of the parallel processing with on windows requires temporary file creation, where the files communicate over dynamic ports.
in a strict firewall environment (every process which …
I put the whole Loop doing a websocket in a try... catch( Exception $e ) {
If there is a problem, like I disconnect internet, I get...
Amp\Websocket\ClosedException : Connection closed …