## What
New things to do.
## Why
Extracting 6 point has been successful with mean RMSE < 3.
## TODO - before
- [x] Last layer should output values between -inf ~ inf, rather that 0~1
- [x] U…
Love mplcursors! When I add a second cursor to my canvas, I can move it around using keyboard bindings, which is great. However, I can not shift the focus back to my first cursor by clicking o…
Hi , i followed the instructions of README.md, prepared the packages and the dataset…
## 회원 가입 인증 메일 확인
- 하는이유
- 엉터리 이메일로 가입하는 유저가 많아짐 (실제 사용자라고 볼 수 없는 유저들이 많아짐)
- 알림 메세지같은경우 제대로 전송할 수 없음
- 유저들과 의사소통이 힘듬
- 이메일 인증 오류날 때
- email or token 값이 없어서 에러가 날 경우
Hi! Im doing object detection with only one label with my Dataset.
I have seen in the examples that every image have his xlm file with the annotations. The "problem" is that in this examples always t…
Hi, I set the "numImages_autotrain" to a small number(i.e., 5) to test the autoTrain function. My system is Ubuntu 16.04 and all the aide modules run on a single machine with one AIworker for detectio…
I spend a lot of time looking at engineering time-series data.
I currently use bokeh for this, but I would love to switch to vega/vega-lite/altair.
However, I'm hesitant to switch because vega a…
# linkerd2 disconnected installation notes
1. Download and install linkerd2, add to PATH
2. get images via `linkerd install` and upload to private registry
3. customize image location in linkerd …
### Description
I am using latest zookeeper-operator/zookeeper helm charts. Here I want to set publishNotReadyAddresses: true in headless service for zookeeper permanenetly.
I'm using annotaions `…
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