### Sample:
### Issue:
App is protected by Naga Reinforcement ( 娜迦加固 )
Original de…
Currently the rule is gated on finding `/assets/appguard/` AND `classes.sox`, however this does not seem to be consistent across the board;
[96%]diff@rocksteady:[appguard] $ unzip -l GrowStone…
tried to run the executable on a test computer (not vm my old computer) and this message showed up, how do you fix this error?
[*] /Users/diff/reverse/targets/android//weird-anti-emulator/contents/assets/alipay_msp-3.5.2-1000261.apk!classes.dex
|-> anti_vm : device ID check, subscriber ID check
|-> compiler : dx
I've tried to package MetaCall with Python support under an OSX-KVM VM using a bash script (`build.sh`).
This process has been stalled due to multiples issues encountered :
- The following comman…
I'm still looking for a way to figure out a bypass for Vanguard, checkout this vanguard driver analysis
Anyone with …
> apkid ~/Downloads/classes2.dex
[+] APKiD 2.1.1 :: from RedNaga :: rednaga.io
[*] ~/Downloads/classes…
If I try to upload to a file sharing thing random people download it and it generates channels but they are all vms.
[12:41 edu@xps ar.tvplayer.tv.apk.unpack] > egrep -iRn dexprotector
META-INF/MANIFEST.MF:5:Protected-By: 12.3.19 DexProtector (20211214)
[How to file a helpful issue](https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/issue-tracking/)
### Qubes OS release
### Brief summary
Dom0 keeps logs for non-existing qubes.
### Steps to reproduce