Hi Halil,
Apologies for the long post, but I figured you would want to see all the various bits.
- Downloaded latest ASP.NET MVC (No Module Zero) with EF from website (which had ABP 2.0.2)
- Up…
I'm finding that, when multiple threads call `.GetOrAdd()` on the same empty `ICacheManager` instance with the same key value, that the `valueFactory` func is called multiple times, indicating an appa…
I have made `AwaitableEvent` because I need to wake up all awaiters by one event. I considered `AsyncAutoResetEvent` etc. but did not fit. `AwaitableEvent` is simple but I think is useful if you just…
Trying to request data from within an index.js jTable implementation from an ABP AppService which has a DTO as a parameter. (How do I send an object as a parameter back to AppService method from jTabl…
Hi Jroland,
The consumer seems only has a blocking consume function, do you think it's a good idea to add a non-blocking function allow us to specify an arbitrary number of messages to consume ?
[ERROR] Unknown error occurred.
Exception: System.ArgumentException: Feature property cannot be set when Exclude is true. Owner=Resque.Job
at Confuser.Core.ObfAttrMarker.ToInfo(ObfuscationAt…
I have already read similar questions but they did not help me:
Our assemblies currently have a "strong name". Do we want to keep this?
# Pro
- Allows users to use FluentMigrator to make/keep their assemblies strong-named
- Get rid of possible source of err…
We have `SemaphoreSlim`, with `WaitAsync`, but it is inherently different because it has counting semantics. Some form of MRE or MRESlim with a `WaitOneAsync()` would be useful. Searched for an issue …
### Version
### Severity
### Environment
### Steps to Reproduce
Login to PSU as admin and go to the jobs tab. Click "View Job" next to any currently running or previously run j…