Attached find a first draft of the mesh utils patch.
Study convert.py, that shows a simple example:
$ python convert.py
General geometry information:
points: 7
lines: 18
When the Vesselstatus changes, or the Weather, a list of Checkpoints can be generated from the informations about the existing equipment and vesselparameters. This List can include regular occurring i…
Scientists love when their work is published and cited - how about we add another tag called reference and create for all components without reference an automatic zenodo shield ? (https://zenodo.org/…
Beware: this is just a premature thought.
Every app that exposes some of its functions and classes to Lua probably wants to generate some API documentation to pass it over to the scripting team.
PyObjc (and possibly RubyCocoa?) use .fwinfo files to generate language bindings around Cocoa and similar objective C libraries:
# User Story
### As a:
### I want:
to generate CHANGELOG automatically
### so that:
i don't have to do it manually
## Acceptance criteria:
- [ ]
## Additional info:
We already have SQLite3 in the project. It would be possible to have another table at that, parse URL's to figure out what lab has been accepted, and store that in the database. It would then also be …
Discussion started in https://discourse.julialang.org/t/semi-automatic-docstring-generation-in-atom/14899/4
I started writing an atom command that automatically generates a docstring for a julia fu…
(Tracking issue for hhucn/adhocracy.hhu_theme#142)
Attached find a first draft of the mesh utils patch.
Study convert.py, that shows a simple example:
$ python convert.py
General geometry information:
points: 7
lines: 18