1. 重复定义 transformer_model_kw,定义了两次
2. 函数 transformer_model_kw,和 transformer_model几乎一样,为何不加个参数直接复用,而是写成两个函数
3. fusion_rep 的实现和paper里面讲的不一样,我认为paper讲的是,[rep_CLS, rep_a, rep_b, rep_a-rep…
Suppose I have
fg :: (A -> Maybe A) -> Rep B -> Rep B
Let's say `fg` sometimes replaces the `hello` field in a record.
I can define
f :: (A -> Maybe A) -> B ->…
**[T](#title)itle**: Wrong error message for variable left uninitialized.
This change might have to do with commit 797569a67ba70289d8705ab0d57ab6b4a277c345.
I reconstructed some excellent B-Reps in ABC dataset. Yet I faced some issues below when reconstructing specific objects.
`I20241122 21:40:45.279755 24179 fitting.cpp:707] Found plane in 12
Scala 2.11 can't type this over night, but 2.10 runs quickly.
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag
trait Minimized {
type Rep[+T]
def abs(__arg0: Rep[Double]): Rep[Doub…
The generic `Rep` definition is too robotic, if I derive `Representable Count` I most likely don't want to index by `Rep Count = Either () (Either () ())` but by something like `data Move = Rock | Pap…
Created attachment 1933 [details]
probability vector p
Although it does not say explicitly in the documentation, the following code will (generally) return true:
Strings in luajit are infinitely bloated, even if they are not rereferenced in the lua vm. As a result, the memory resources of the nginx process RES are increasing to become larger and larger.
I am using AutoVina for multi-ligand docking and encountered an issue related to the binding energy scores. A fter performing a multi-ligand docking run, I extracted each ligand from the complex and c…
In this example:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MonoLocalBinds #-}
import D…