The library is located here: https://github.com/LinnesLab/KickFiltersRT
Library for implementing real-time digital filters such as lowpass, highpass, and notch. Improves on other libraries b…
I have access to a number of filters without details, having response profiling tools would be useful to process them.
[I have written a function to return the 3dB points of a bandpass filter](https:…
I am comparing NWaves results with matlab and scipy results. TF zeros, poles and gain from Butterworth are different to scipy z, p, k
`var bw = new Filters.Butterworth.BandPassFilter(lower / fs, up…
The bug can be reproduced with f.ex. these parameters:
This line failes: https://github.com/brainflow-dev/BrainFlowAndroidTest/blob/b780dbd60456e3bed230abae498c6c5fa1504935/app/src/main/java/com/example/brainflowplot/SettingsActivity.java#L49
That clas…
Hej hej,
is there any interest to discuss transformations into time domain to approach device behavior from a different perspective. There are many possible ideas on which transform (FFTs, z-Transform…
Whenever I try to run PyPREP I get the following output which seems promising, however it stalls here and continues to act as if it is running and no other output comes out. Any assistance would be gr…
> On another point, I have noticed that the synthetic gradiometry sometimes spreads noise across the frequency spectrum, rather than reducing it. Perhaps we could look at this together next week?
For higher bandwidth loops, a low-pass filter is often not a good option, since there isn't enough separation between the LO and the passband.
Can we have enough pads to allow us to have a passive …
add iir filter design for butterworth chebvl chebvl2 ?