I've pretty much copy-pasted the code [here](http://tflearn.org/tutorials/quickstart.html#source-code) and still getting an error. Listing the log below:
IndexError …
Outside of the training function, I set:
# define the hyperparameters for running the train function.
optimizer_ch2 = AdamW(model_ch2.parameters(), lr = lr, correct_bias = True)…
The [`DenseVariational`](https://www.tensorflow.org/probability/api_docs/python/tfp/layers/DenseVariational) provides the `kl_weight` parameter, whose documentation is
> **`kl_weight`**: Amount by …
# reset underlying graph data
# Build neural network
net = tflearn.input_data(shape=[None, len(train_x[0])])
net = tflearn.fully_connected(net, 8)
net = tflearn.fully_con…
Explanation of Cost and Loss function:
Explanation of Linear regression regarding…
I enjoyed reading your preprint ["DynaMight: estimating molecular motions with improved reconstruction from cryo-EM images"](https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.10.18.562877v1). Although I co…
Thanks to the authors for providing the code. This is a really interesting work!
I am trying to run this code on an NVIDIA RTX A5000. I observed that the initial GPU memory(0th step) allocated befo…
The following bench, reduced to only call `linear` which is just a thin wrapper around BLAS, takes 1.6s without `-d:openmp` and 15s with `-d:openmp`
import ../src/arraymancer
# Learning …
## Global Parameters @janketj
- [ ] stop/ start training
- [ ] send updates on the progress after every batch/epoch
- [ ] send updates on accuracy/loss every x seconds/milliseconds
- [ ] learnin…
Hello, thanks for your great work. I am trying to train yolov4 on coco2017 from scratch with your code. 1. I found that there is no "subdivision" in your code. Could you clarify why you do not use sub…