Use the comment field to discuss the [next consensus architecture proposal](http://github.com/hyperledger/fabric/wiki/Next-Consensus-Architecture-Proposal).
**Purpose**: To store notes from our recurring Public Developer Calls.
1. **Initial Notes**: Taken live in Hackmd or Google Docs.
2. **Posting**: Notes are posted as comments here.
moul updated
2 months ago
I have [a long comment](https://users.rust-lang.org/t/rust-as-a-high-level-language/4644/72) at the Rust forum (some of the inspiration came from @keean linking me to Sean Parent's [video](https://you…
name: testifylint
linter: testifylint
workdir: .
install: go install github.com/Antonboom/testifylint@latest
Goal: facilitate broader uptake of Multi-Chain
Approach: have a detailed, complete and accurate protocol description of Multi-Chain in IETF RFC format
Tribler team at Delft created before: https://d…
## Bug Report
Many times, we create state exported testnets based on mainnet state. Usually, these networks don't start unless fast sync is set to true, at which point they start. Before knowing …
@jsoares commented on [Wed Nov 24 2021](https://github.com/protocol/ConsensusLab-private/issues/30)
## Description
Once we have a production-level implementation of hierarchical consensus (#6) and…
### Description of the feature you're suggesting.
Hi ! I have a **generic keeloq 64bit remote**, that’s is the most common over here in Brazil.
I tried paring my flipper with the receiver usin…
### Description of the feature you're suggesting.
I think the developers of the…
This issue is about handling an "impossible" intersection by static type checkers. We consider two cases:
### It must be transformed to `Never`
Arguments in favor:
- @mikeshardmind [argues](ht…