Yopmail.com, uses various addresses.
May I ask what network is used to extract environmental features and participant features, what is the format of the extracted data, and how is it converted into the current data input format of the a…
Hey @JJBOY, thanks for your implementation and I found it extremely useful. I now have a problem during training, the PEM loss is decreasing normally, but TEM loss is not really decreasing, even it's …
``` javascript
* 从NeteaseMusicWEB页扒下来的,国外请求加密内容解密方法.
* Authors:Netease
function bNj(){
var yE = function (jR) { //定义函数yE,参数jR
if (jR < -128) { //若jR= -128 && jR 127) {…
Copay updated
8 years ago
### What is the problem this feature will solve?
Temporal action detection is an important task in long-form video analysis. Its goal is to detect both the action start/end times, as well as the acti…
Hi, I would like to mod font size in xenoblade X becuase it is very small. Sadly I have zero experience in this but I managed to open some cpk files and in menu.cpk I found .fnt files. Now I'm stuck b…
Hello, I have tried to use bmn on THUMOS'14 data and got poor results:
`auc: 16.7673 AR@1: 0.0099 AR@5: 0.0417 AR@10: 0.0654 AR@100: 0.2599`
After refer to BMN paper and some issues #263 #158 , I…
I run the code as instruments of BSN and BMN successfully, but when I run the code:
python tools/test.py configs/localization/bsn/bsn_pem_400x100_1x16_20e_activitynet_feature.py work_dirs/bsn_400x1…