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This is an optimisation idea I had while reading your blog post:
Strip all Nix store references from the actual chunks and put them into per-path metadata instead.
This way, two paths made from …
Atemu updated
2 years ago
I have create a chunk store of 3 files, each file is of 500MB.
Chunk store is hosted on a http server.
While extracting, the size of cached directory keeps on increasing because even though the firs…
In 2012 I also developed a method of some segmentation.
The basic idea is to combine multiple functions-predicates in the moving window, in order to obtain a better size segments.
Behind all t…
Hello All,
I am building casync to use with "rauc" tool. And I am using Buildroot 2022.02 as build system and I have enabled `host meson-tools` in Buildroot `menuconfig`. But while building using
A bunch of absolute timeouts are set [here](https://github.com/flokli/nix-casync/blob/main/cmd/nix_casync/main.go#L65), which are too small when uploading or downloading large NARs over (relatively) s…
# 原因
- 使用 github issue + mardkown 可以方便的写作博客
- 使用 github api + jekll 可以自动生成 博客
# 使用
- [install]复制本仓库下 generate.js 和 package.json 中的依赖 并执行 `npm install`
- [setup] 修改 generate.js 中的 仓库地址和 想要生成博客对应…
Checked on stargz-snapshotter which is awesome. With dedup it will even boost the whole development process, writing code and deploy in no time.
There should be a way to Remove castr chunks that are not referenced by any of the caibx.
When creating a tar with 2 dirs in an unpopulated parent directory using:
``` tar -cf - --sort name -C / --hard-dereference --one-file-system --sparse --exclude-vcs -v opt/dir2/ opt/dir1/ | desy…