Hello, can you consider implementing each component that can be clicked, so that you can associate attributes and other associated information in the model itself. Similar to cesium's BIM selection co…
i converted osgb file to 3dtiles by cesiumlab. it is normal at the project. i uploaded a zip file in ion.I confirmed the tileset.json when I uploaded it.I'm not sure what documents are missing.
使用.osgb转换.3dtile发布在cesiumlab上面(转换工具https://github.com/fanvanzh/3dtiles),报错如下RuntimeError: Unsupported glTF Extension: KHR_technique_webgl
XMuli updated
4 years ago
Asset ID 116432. Hello, the function of correcting the position cannot be realized, what is the reason?
“Adjust Tileset Location”
we need a tool from *.ply or *.gltf to *.pnts.
XbsjEarthUI api文档在正常打包情况下没有打出来api文档
### 生成的3dtiles文件 部分结构丢失
原obj格式的模型 通过window10 自带的3d builder 打开
![17v4xir rmk8ie t924](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20694705/43636205-fa1bb830-9743-11e8-9a87-5b47fc878ba1.png)
有时候很多破洞,有些地方还会闪烁,比较严重的问题就是我切换相机角度 不显示模型了