In addition to the GPM IMERG PLP values, we can also grab precipitation phase information from NLDAS-2 and MERRA-2 for each citizen science observation.
# The Decentralized Science Stack
By hebbianloop
## Summary
Describe your unconference session:
Decentralized Science (DeSci) is what we call digital communities of global citizen scientists wor…
Dataset link: https://ucedna.com/
Region: USA / California
Taxon: Eukaryotes
Type: occurrence
Why is this important: CALeDNA is a project / platform for citizen science eDNA metabarcod…
The basic idea here is to build a database that hosts metadata about datasets, e.g.
- from research
- formally published
- or not
- including
- ongoing research projects
- n…
This seems like it would have a lot of untility for specific projects including school group citizen science projects since in an inaturalist group you can limit the data to certain users, locations, …
(I don't personally understand this field, but it's in the datafield doc, so I'm including it.)
Scientific research [auto-selected from Service tag: Science]
* Biology/Bioengineering
* Physics
The core idea is to create a method for citizen science to make a small-scale (perhaps a square meter) all-taxa biodiversity inventory/repeatable rapid biodiversity assessment. It's sort of a bioblitz…
What are the BIRD dataset and DAPS speech dataset? Could you provide download links? Also, I would like to know about the performance of your model
Hi @aatteia @matthewandrews @RobinaSanderson @nickdos
I've received the below feedback from one of our stakeholders at the Department of Environment. Are the different links intentional?
roger to do a podcast with michael zevin
re ligo citizen science project