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### What is the idea?
When Demon connects for first time, some commends are required to be executed for persistence.
I know there's Auto Suite Extension for that,…
Cobalt strike and metasploit has this feature that can let an operator to modify timestamps on the files attributes just using UTC time format placeholder.
This is the placeholder to perform timest…
Currently, malpedia doesn't tell if a tool/malware is open sourced that has been (ab)used by threat actors.
So, we need to :
- Cleary state if a tool/malware is open sourced/publicly available. …
└─$ sudo bash teamserver test123
[*] Will use existing X509 certificate and keystore (for SSL)
[*] Starting teamserver
We should provide support for HTTPS as well as authentication from the client to prevent spoofing of clients.
Ebowla-interop.cna doesn't actually work. You should probably fix it.
凯撒和3des加密方法都换过,6种运行shellcode的方法也都随机试了几个,始终在运行加密后Cobalt Strike的Shellcode制作的exe文件报错,初步怀疑现在的的nim更新了base 64方面的加密代码,所以程序产生了兼容性bug?请作者看看怎么解决?谢谢
Currently I'm generating a RAW payload in Cobalt Strike for a windows/beacon/reverse_https listener. Output is a standard payload.bin file, which is then used as input to SharpShooter as follow…
看Readme需要设置Cobalt Strike的IP为WSL的IP
netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=4444(宿主机Windows监听端口) listenaddress=宿主机Windows监听IP,表示所有接口) connectp…