# 目录
1. [版本说明](#版本说明)
2. [目录结构](#目录结构)
3. [初始化项目](#初始化项目)
4. [webpack](#webpack)
5. [react](#react)
6. [配置loader(sass,jsx)](#配置loader(sass,jsx))
7. [引入babel](#引入babel)
8. [使用HtmlWebpackPlugi…
## What happens?
1、将设置成一个非http变量 window.publicPath
window.publicPath = '__VAN_STATIC_BASE_PATH__/';
runtimePublicPath: {},
### Describe the bug
在@ice/app: 3.4.3版本中,通过 npm run start,三方包引入资源报错报错:
Hey @gund
I'm starting two new projects this upcoming week, and I've specced StoryBlok, just curious if angular support is going to be ongoing before I commit these clients to a build with the pla…
### Describe the bug
Using the `future.unstable_codeSplitting` flag, you are unable to automatically code-split the `/` (top-level index) route.
For reference, this would be the very first route you…
### What problem does this feature solve?
`Diagnostic` should not contain concrete fields and it should be a trait that guides a series of actions.
### What does the proposed API of configuratio…
## What happens?
将项目部署到`二级目录` 如:` `后
After introducing code splitting via React lazy() into my project, I'm getting an error from django that a reference in `manifest.json` is missing the `src` argument.
```RuntimeError: Cannot read V…
这个 js 请求并不是 css 中发起的,fusion 的 Icon 组件会默认加载 svg 相关的脚本,这个脚本可以自定义路径,详见 https://ice.work/component/icon#%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8%E5%85%B6%E4%BB%96%E6%BA%90%E7%9A%84%E5%9B%BE%E6%A0%87
### 🥰 需求描述 | Requirements description
### 🧐 解决方案 | Solution
### 🚑 其他信息 | Other information