Load it by default, without the need for config, which currently is
``` json
"config": {
"commitizen": {
"path": "./node_modules/cz-conventional-changelog"
which i bel…
Is it possible to change the color of the input beyond certain length?
Somthing like
在团队协作中我们经常碰到的问题是每个人都有自己的开发习惯,这个习惯包含但不限于编码风格,工具使用等,所以往往协作中就会出现各种各样的问题。这篇文章将会从很小的切入点开始讲,即如标题所诉 **Git Commit Message**。
但在讲之前大家最好对如下的分支管理有一定的了解,原因在于,好的分支管理模型和好的 Git Commit Message 是规范化开发必不可少的内容。
not sure if there already is some way to do this, but i would find it more convenient if i could type the commit type manually and have it either filter the list of options or simply validate what i e…
when I merge a request. I use `git merge --no-ff branch`, then the terminal will show vim and some messages about this commit. how could I integrate git cz with git merge?
Type: Bug
Cannot attach .net projects to debugger:
You may only use the Microsoft .NET Core Debugger (vsdbg) with
Hi. Have been using this tool and while its awesome, only issue is that I have to end up writing all the commit messages in a single line.
Is it possible to allow \n or support opening up an editor…
I have just moved `react-scripts@1.1.15` to `react-scripts-cssmodules` and now when running `npm run build`
`Cannot read property 'thisCompilation' of undefined`
I'm not sure if this is something for the coding standards but I like to have a look at this. I think it's a good idea to put some sort of standardisation on commit messages.
I personally try to fo…
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