I've been running the notebook and getting the results to work fine, but I want to convert the results into the CoNLL format so that I can compare documents from the CRAFT corpus using the LEA metric.…
`examples/CoNLL-ST_2002/ned.train-doc-118.txt` has
Uitspraak : ' Structureel oefenen op strafschokken kost nochtans niet zo verschrikkelijk veel tijd.
Vooraf had Oranje noc…
Hi there, can you please guide me on where I can get the ACE data in Conll format?
I am currently stucked in running the script at #3 under "Steps for assembling the data" section from the [instruction](http://cemantix.org/data/ontonotes.html). As a newbie, I have l…
vrian updated
5 years ago
For the data used for POS tagging and Dependency Parsing, our data format follows the CoNLL-X format. Following is an example:
1 No _ RB RB _ 7 discourse _ _
2 , _ , , _ 7 punct _ _
3 it _ PR PRP _…
Some of our datasets are saved on the classpath (and packaged in the wolfe-examples.jar). This is useful because users can just add an sbt dependency and get the data, w/o having to setup a data direc…
Saya memerika data di google drive dan menurut ekspolrasi saya, 1k_gold.conll.final memiliki hampir 1.2k entri dan dev.conll memiliki hampir 1k entri. Saya ingin mengkonfirmasi bahwa apakah ini memang…
I have get the data sets from CoNLL-2012 and the rest data sets in LDC, which don't include the files that have the suffix with *_gold_conll. However I can get three files that have the suffix with *…
Hi @chiarcos,
I found that the columns in the [MTAAC Baseline Parser](https://github.com/cdli-gh/mtaac_work/tree/master/parse) CoNLL data match neither CoNLL-U nor CDLI-CoNLL. The differences are t…