I got the following error message:
Error while uploading document tlg0011.tlg002.daphne_tb-grc1.conllu.txt: NumberFormatException: For input string: "3.1"
- [x] construir amostra `sample.conllu` de 200 sentenças aleatórias ainda não revisadas
- [x] corrigir amostra anterior (erroneamente contém sentenças revisadas)
- [x] revisar as 102 primeiras sente…
I am trying to run coreNLP for parsing some documents. How to get UD-POS tags along with fine-grained tags in output? I tried -outputFormat conllu, but the UPOS column remained empty.
For example, I …
I came across a "strange" noun (i.e. its lemma has no alphabetic character).
So I looked for similar ones in all English corpora. See result below in which for each corpus are shown for such tokens (…
In something that is almost darkly ironic, it turns out that `conllu` doesn't actually work with streamed input. (It has one `seek` call buried deep in the library. It seems unnecessary.) So we should…
Fiz um script (src/compare_ne.py) que lê as entidades extraídas dos textos do dhbb que se encontram nos arquivos json do diretório dhbb-json e analisa sua ocorrência na análise sintática gerada pelo u…
De todos os 32924 tokens marcados como PROPN
cat *.conllu | udapy -q util.Eval node='if (node.upos == "PROPN") : print(node)' | wc -l
32914 não possuem lemma, o que representa 99,97…
I'm currently running the download script for XTREME. I'm running into some issues with the downloading and preprocessing of the UD data, and wanted to check if some of these are an issue with …
@arademaker, I accidentally found the following parsing error:
> pt_bosque-ud-train.conllu-27 palavras palavra NOUN _ Gender=Fem|Number=Plur 25 nmod _ _
> pt_bosque-ud-train.conllu:28 simples simp…
Some verbs that act as arguments in modals (that is, as auxiliary verbs) are tagged with `VerbForm=Fin`, while it should be `VerbForm=Inf`.
For instance, "revê-la", "abraçá-la" and "continuá-la" in…