I'm trying to solve OCR tasks based on this code.
So what shape input to LSTM should have, suppose we have images `[batch_size, height, width, channels]` how should they be reshaped to be used as i…
# 一句话总结
- [pdf](https://openreview.net/pdf?id=Sye0lZqp6Q)
- A combined Long Short Term Memory and Convolutional Neural Networks (LSTM …
LSTM is usually used to sequence task, What is the reason that LSTM could success to aggretate neighbor features which has no sequence dependence?
part of (after deduplication)
Hello Professor!
I have a question about this subsection: compare the performance against the naive LSTM approach. Is there any specific architecture that I need to compare my target solution with?…
Hello, is there a solution for distributed learning ?
I think the most obvious is to create a small server then send samples to convnetsharp?
Support of RNN is coming soon?
Thank you:)
I am trying to build a ResNet model with a Convolutional LSTM between successive layers. I tile my input tensor `timesteps` number of times and reshape the input tensor to [n,t,h,w,c] to pass as the i…
Hey Oliver,
Great job implementing conv lstm. Someone requested me to add this type of LSTM to my repo:
Just wondering if we can copy …
## 튜토리얼
| 튜토리얼 | 파일 | 담당 |
| --- | --- | --- |
| ~~Python / NumPy Tutorial~~ | ~~python-numpy-tutorial.md~~ | 강상훈 (sanghkaang) |
| ~~IPython Notebook Tutorial~~ | ~~ipython-tutorial.md~~ | 김우정 (gnujo…
How should I fix this?
mona@Mona:~/code/gesture/Conv3D_BICLSTM$ python training_isogr_depth.py
/home/mona/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/h5py/__init__.py:36: FutureWarning: Conversion…