Vulnerable Library - Flask-2.1.2-py3-none-any.whl
A simple framework for building complex web applications.
Library home page: https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/ba/76/e9580e494eaf6f09710b0f3b9…
IronWASP must include a list of some commonly known framework parameters / cookie names that can be ignored while scanning or fuzzing.
Here is a list of common params / cookies found in the ASP.NET f…
E.g. [tinyhttp](https://github.com/tinyhttp/tinyhttp). The main issue is the use of Express-specific type declarations for `Request`, `Response`.
Recently, we have updated the module to 2.3.1. After the update, the customer cannot make payment of order and the order is in pending state. And the error appears after the payment.
The e…
### Summary
I've read many of the SameSite issues and possible solutions / workarounds on the repo issues, however so far the only real way of making this work is setting SameSite to None.
My qu…
Ideally, we should use an existing cookie banner framework and make it accessible (or find one that is accessible already and explain why it is accessible)
### Bug description
I'm running into a problem regarding caching routes using `Artisan::call` upon saving of an Entry in a specific collection.
We have a collection named `dynamic_pages`, this all…
### Bug description
This is a strange one, sorry! :-)
After the update to 5.x, everything looked okay at first. After a few hours, however, 404 pages for published entries appeared in production. …
### Describe the bug / バグの説明
通知設定でデータ作成時・更新時などに実施アクションがEメールと設定されているときに、データを作成すると"Call to a member function belong_organizations() on null"となる。
### To Reproduce / 再現手順
Similar to #23 but with a different motivation.
To protect against XSS, I would like the option to store the JWT in an HttpOnly cookie. `django-rest-framework-jwt` has this feature as an optional s…