Very good job!
As you probably know is now possibile to scrape data directly from the new ISS Dashboard
Create a web scraper for url:
This Issue is to create a parser to run daily via [Prefect](https://www.prefect.io/).
Confirmed cases for 26th dec in UK is 11891292 and 27 Dec, 21 is 12209991 on JHU so the daily new cases is 318699.
Whereas stats are different in WHO(https://www.who.int/countries/gbr/ ) Worldometer(…
History : Manorama was using flourish for viz. Use of OSM data during covid19.
Hi, I'd like to know why the numbers are so different between your sources.
In France as of 19 March 2020 à 15h00 (Paris time) the total death toll is 372
For the NYT source the coordinates are NULL for all data objects.
Create a web scraper for url:
This Issue is to create a parser to run daily via [Prefect](https://www.prefect.io/).
Setup scripts to gather data from generally sources like:
- [Johns Hopkins data sources](https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19) ✅
- ["Detailed data" Google Sheet](https://docs.google.com/spr…
County or Counties: Santa Clara, San Mateo, Contra Costa Counties
Data source: https://usafacts.org/visualizations/coronavirus-covid-19-spread-map/
Output to: .csv
Update frequency/time: Daily, 1-d…