I try to use GaussMaxHS to solve a problem with 1600 variables, including 80 exactly-one constraint (hard), 30400 clauses (hard) and 1600 XOR constraints (soft). The XOR constraints are harden …
I am trying to determine whether the feasibility region of an MIP-relaxation is bounded or not. To do that, I pick a random objective and both minimize and maximize it, checking whether one of the pro…
First, I'd like to say great work and amazing results.
I've been trying to run DABA on custom-made BAL dataset examples, resulting in failed solutions. Unstable optimization (especially for …
The command:
curl -jksSLH 'Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie' -o /tmp/java.tar.gz http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/8u202-b08/1961070e4c9b4e26a04e7f5a083f551e/jdk-8u202-linux…
See the attached ILP
I updated my local CBC to current master (including osi,coinutils,...), now cbc …
Many thanks for this package.
Would it be possible for you to add the following examples to your library. I believe that it is a bit more clear, and it fits nicely with the background of the pack…
I have noticed that in the documentation we are told value(policy, b, a) should return Q(b,a). This is not defined for AlphaVectorPolicies. I see there is the actionvalues function in there alr…
Investigate the performance of SGD, MINUIT, (L-)BFGS(-B) or even SGD+Minuit at the end in terms of finding the minimum, estimated uncertainties, and how quickly (in seconds) we arrive at the minimum.
Fitting with `emcee` works poorly. Poorly enough that claiming to have an `emcee` "solver" that can be used to solve minimization problems is kind of a disservice to our users. I do not know if ther…