in course when we click than it will show chapters not all resources (like resources, Q&A etc.)
Things a user adds a skill to the things they can do, or knowledge to their
#Proposed Schema
#Example Usage
Courseware applicatio…
Pyvec Slack: https://pyvec.slack.com/archives/C32NLNE9Y/p1552502549008100
messa updated
5 years ago
Data dictionary will capture:
- [x] edX course data dictionary
- [x] Structure for document
- [ ] Course structure XML
- [x] User
- [x] Profiles
- [x] Combine User, Profiles, Cer…
# Blast Damage Assessment page
There's a link missing to the T-test lecture:
"If you’re interested in learning more about statistical tests of this sort, I teach a course on Data Science at the …
Popis nelineárního modelu je v https://github.com/BystrickyK/MPC_InversePendulum/blob/master/Courseware%20Resources/Documentation/Linear%20Pendulum%20Gantry%20-%20Workbook%20(Student).pdf
rovnice 2.9…
Generate reports based on grades for the whole class or user and that sort of stuff.
stas updated
11 years ago
Adding new courseware in the POC Dashboard Schedule tab sets the release date/time to the date it was added to the POC Schedule, though this date/time is not displayed as the start date in the Schedul…
Stalo se teď, že se někdo přihlásil do odevzdávátka a myslel si, že se tím zapsal do celého kurzu. Taky tam máme jednoho přeběhlíka, který se nedostal do týmového kurzu, tak odevzdává úkoly u nás.
At the meeting last night, several people were interested in learning more about the biology underlying gene expression and RNA sequencing. The following links provide an introduction to these topics,…