I encountered this problem when I used prometheus-cowboy:
``` log
[error] Unhandled exception error:function_clause in cowboy_stream:early_error(1, Reason, PartialReq, Resp, Opts)
It seems Comic Vine implemented limit for API calls per API key (200
calls/15minute). Obviously there will have to be configuration option that
will allow each user to use his own API key as we…
torcp /volume1/Downloads/src/Anime/\[BDMV\]\ Cowboy\ Bebop/ -d /volume1/Downloads/dst/Anime/ --extract-bdmv --tmdb-api-key='xxx'
=========>>> 2022-08-29T09:56:14 +0800
Search Multi: COWBOY BEBO…
I wanted to start a discussion about a build tool and dependency manager. I've got a few ideas.
It would be really nice if we could do [go-style remote imports](http://golang.org/cmd/go/#hdr-Remote_i…
Process #PID terminating: {{{%Phoenix.Router.NoRouteError{conn: %Plug.Conn{adapter: {Plug.Cowboy.Conn, :...}, assigns: %{}, before_send: [#Function], body_params: %{}, cookies: %Plu…
Max suggests that we could use hibernate to save memory:
majek updated
12 years ago
It seems Comic Vine implemented limit for API calls per API key (200
calls/15minute). Obviously there will have to be configuration option that
will allow each user to use his own API key as we…
In my repository after an upgrade to Elixir 1.15 seems that something is not fully compatible and some tests are breaking.
** (RuntimeError) route error
(bypass 2.1.0) lib/…
### Describe the Bug
Request: POST /teiserver/api/spads/balance_battle
** (exit) an exception was raised:
** (Enum.EmptyError) empty error
(elixir 1.14.5) lib/enum.ex:185…
The `/api-docs/swagger.json` is hardcoded at https://github.com/inaka/cowboy_swagger/blob/2.7.0/priv/swagger/swagger-initializer.js#L6 and it lead to issues if few dependencies in the project are use …